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Programme Description

The Master of Education Degree Programme in Teaching in Key Subject Areas (National Excellent Teacher Training Initiative) (the NETTI) is designed to meet the professional development needs of those interested in developing their educational career nationally in the Mainland. It aims to provide students with a solid grounding in state-of-the-art science education research, theories, and practice for a range of educational contexts in the region. The programme has been included in the second batch of pilot universities for the NETTI in the Mainland. Graduates of the programme can benefit from the policy that exempts them from taking the national primary and secondary school teacher qualification examination in the Mainland.

According to the Education Ordinance of Hong Kong, a person applying for registration as a Teacher must hold teacher qualification (e.g., a local Teacher’s Certificate or Post-graduate Diploma/Certificate in Education) and meet other specified conditions.  This master’s degree programme is not equivalent to a teacher’s certificate or post-graduate diploma/certificate in education. Graduates of this programme cannot obtain teaching qualification in Hong Kong directly.

Students will be required to complete two 4-week teaching practicums in designated schools in the Mainland. The teaching practicums are expected to be conducted in May and June in the first and the second years of studies.

Study Scheme

(1) Coursework Requirement

Students are required to complete a minimum of 50 units of courses according to the requirements for graduation.

Required Courses
(A) 1 out of the 2 courses in key subject from (3 units)
MAED6161, PEDU6117

(B) 4 courses from (12 units)
PEDU6051, 6124, 6209, 6516

(C) 2 research methodology courses from (3 units)
PEDU6401, 6402
18 units
Elective Courses
Student can opt to take 2 courses from
PEDU6011, 6053, 6126, 6127, 6206, 6513, 6514
6 units
Courses at CUHK (Shenzhen)
(A) Required Courses (3 units)

(B) Courses in Key Subject Areas (12 units)
A student is required to choose one out of the three key subject areas, including Applied Mathematics, Physics, and Chemistry to take four designated courses.
15 units
Teaching Practicum (in collaboration with CUHK (Shenzhen))
Students must complete the 8-week practicum (PEDU6463 Teaching Practicum).
8 units
Capstone Project/Thesis
Students must complete PEDU6462 Capstone Project/Thesis in the last term of study.
3 units
(2) Other Requirements

(a) A student must achieve a cumulative grade point average (GPA) of at least 2.0 in order to fulfill the graduation requirement

(b) Students must fulfill the Term Assessment Requirement of the Graduate School. A student who obtain a cumulative grade point average (GPA) below 2.0 in the preceding term will be put on academic probation. For details, please refer to Clause 13.0 “Unsatisfactory Performance and Discontinuation of Studies” of the General Regulations Governing Postgraduate Studies which can be accessed from the Graduate School Homepage:


Note: Courses will be mainly taught in English. The medium of instruction will be subject to the availability of teachers. The Programme reserves the right of final decision on the medium of instruction. Students should observe the medium of instruction of each course in the system for course selection and registration.